Hospitality: Wine Charms

Here in Switzerland, when you are invited to someone’s home for dinner, you bring a gift; usually it’s chocolate, flowers, or a bottle of wine, though people also bring homemade things like jams, pickles, or – if you know the people well and know what their home decor is like – a handcrafted item.

I love crafts, and recently I started making wine charms again – the perfect gift to take, as those bottles of wine will be enjoyed.  For the presentation, I put together a few of my own cards – pulling graphics from Pinterest and combining – none of the elements are my own design, and if anyone recognises an element as their own work, please let me know so that I can give credit and a link where it is deserved!

To see my collection of ideas for wine charms on Pinterest, click here.  Enjoy!

White Wine CharmRed Wine CharmStain Wine Charm 1Stain Wine Charm 6Stain Wine Charm 5Stain Wine Charm 4Stain Wine Charm 3Stain Wine Charm 2