CopyCat Ice Coffee Make-Ahead Powder Mix

Emmi Coffee DrinkI will say straight up that I am NOT a coffee drinker. Period. But my husband is. And here in Switzerland, a company called Emmi makes a chilled coffee drink that is his favourite, but it’s also downright expensive per serving. So it got me thinking about how to make a powdered mix that would mimic its taste without the huge expense, and with my husband’s very-willing role as taste-tester, we tweaked the mix until the following recipe is our end result. Now, he’s got a jar full of the mix that will last him quite a while for a fraction of the cost!

Copycat Emmi Coffee Mix

80 gr. powdered skim milk

15 gr. any instant coffee with a bit of a chocolate nuance (the one I used is pictured below)

1 tsp. Caotina milk chocolate powder *

40 gr. Nescafé Espresso powder (the finest grind)


Add to a large jar and shake well to mix.

To use:

~3 tsp. mix

1/2 a glass of water – mix in the powder

Top up with your favourite ice cream and enjoy!


* For those of you unable to get this, just use whatever you have locally – it is a sweetened chocolate milk powder used in cooking, sprinkled on ice cream, or straight up as drink powder. Do not use that chalky chocolate powder that makes your tongue cleave to the roof of your mouth and refuse to swallow. That does not count as chocolate anything. 😉

Dark Mayan Chocoalte Coffee